Why Threesome Is the Most Common Sexual Fantasy among Most of Us?

Do you know more than 85% of the world’s total population fantasized about a threesome? Most people think that only men believe in such a way, but the things have turned out to be very surprising where a study has revealed the woman has also shown an equal amount of interest in it.

Many of them have wished to experience two men simultaneously that is very common in threesomes. This post will try to evaluate the main reasons why everyone fantasized about threesomes these days.

  • Extra Naughtiness

Not even a single person will deny that there is tons of naughtiness that we can impossibly find in normal sex sessions. It feels pretty good when you have a third person for spicing up things. Most people like to do nasty things that are quite common to feature in threesome videos.


A threesome can open the getaway for tons of secret things that often stay hidden in our hearts. You are free to explore your sexuality by adding a third person to your lovemaking sessions. If you haven’t tried threesome yet, you have no idea about the experience that opens the new pathway for new discoveries.


  • Tons of Fun

The triple threat companionship is prominently featured on the threesome cams, where every participant has tons of fun. No matter, it is the group of three boys sharing in one session, the fun gets a great boost while having a threesome.


  • Variety

We all get bored by doing the same stuff over time while having sex that asks the mind to crave more. An adventurous person always understands variety is the spice of life. Having a threesome can be completely refreshing for a couple who will find extra spice in their relationship.


  • Surpassing Boundaries

We all have certain boundaries in lovemaking sessions as a gay couple. Most of them don’t think about surpassing due to respect and love for each other. However, the addition of a third person during the threesome makes sure both of you open up and trying lots of amazing things.  Who knows, you could even become a gay pornstar.


  • No One Left Unsatisfied

It doesn’t matter how much sex you have in your body; indulging in a threesome ensures everyone gets satisfied. There will be a backup on your side even one person blows out and leaves the game. Each participant will defiantly have a perfect pleasure experience that we often see in threesome cams.


  • Increases Closeness

A threesome can turn out to be a method for bringing your gay partner closer. Despite being awesome lovemaking partners, we often become away from each other due to busy commitments. However, a threesome is used by tons of couples as a way to bring each other closer.


We understand you now understand why everyone is so curious about threesomes these days. So, what are you waiting for? Life is very short, so you should

The Top 12 Things Gay Men Like To Do – Humorous

Humorous 12 Things Gay Men Like To Do – Gay Men


12. Gym Selfies

Gym Selfies
We’re here, we’re queer, we work out! We get it!

Even Adam Lambert has fallen prey to this most basic of selfies.


11. Any Excuse to Take Off Our Shirts

Take Off Our Shirts
It might be the one thing bros and gay guys have in common.


10. Top 40 music

Top 40 music

Every gay has his favorite pop ear worms. But the most basic of gays listen to them exclusively —

and have been known to accost DJs demanding “something we know.”


9. Boyfriend Twins

Boyfriend Twins

One might be cute, but two is too cute. #twincest

8. Making A Big Deal Out Of Being Into Sports

Making A Big Deal Out Of Being Into Sports

Don’t get me wrong: Jocks are hot. And there’s nothing wrong with being a sports fan either—you just don’t have to remind us all the time.


7. Designer Underwear

Men Wear Designer Underwear
Sexy or silly? Either way, it’s only gonna end up on the floor anyway (if you’re lucky).


6. Marriage Equality As Marketing Ploy

gay coupleTiffany & Co. ad featuring a gay couple, via Elle

It’s a great sign for marriage equality that more and more progressive brands are depicting gay relationships in their ads. In our enthusiasm, however, it’s easy to forget the difference between a salesman and a supporter.


5. Over-Plucked Eyebrows

Over-Plucked Eyebrows
If you give a gay some tweezers…he might just get carried away! Repeat after me:

Vulcan brows not on fleek.


4. Arguing Over Which Friend Is The Samantha Of The Group

The Samantha Of The Group
Sex and the City went off the air, like, 30 years ago, and we’re still playing this game.

(When straight women play, they all want to be Carrie. BO-ring!)


3. Little Dogs

dogs love sniffing crotches
Gays love little dogs like dogs love sniffing crotches.

(As a rule, the yappier and fluffier the dog, the more basic the owner.)


2. Getting Hung Up On Straight Boys

Straight Boys
If we know better, why can’t we do better?


1. Gay Tunnel Vision

Gay Tunnel Vision

A love of LGBT culture and a healthy dose of Pride are great, but making sure every single aspect of your life is G-A-Y is rilly basic. You don’t need a gay dentist.