Gay porn stars make more money than straight porn stars. They make roughly around $5,000 a scene. Straight people make around $500-$1000 a scene. The people that make the $5,000 are the porn stars that are more popular. If you are just getting started in the business then you will be making on the lower end at $500-$1,000. Most gay porn stars don’t use this as a full time job. Usually this is way to just have side money or extra income. Some even use it to mark up their escort rates. They will get paid more by a client if they are a porn star. The more popular you are the more you will get paid. Just like a regular job, the longer you have been somewhere the more money you make.
The amount of hours that gay porn stars work really just varies. Some can work hours and hours in a day and others may just do one scene a day. This also depends on the demand of the porn star. If they are really popular they are going to do a lot more scenes in one day then someone who isn’t as popular. There isn’t a set schedule for them like your regular 9-5 job. Sometimes one film can take days to shoot. There are many variables that you to take into account. You will have cuts through the shoot if something doesn’t go right, and if you want the scene to last a long period of time as well you will have to have numerous breaks. You also have to remember that the hours they work doesn’t only consist of the actual sex scene. They have to come in bright and early in the morning to do a whole list of things. They will have to take STD tests and then wait on the results of those tests. And of course do a slew of paperwork before starting anything. Once all of that is complete they then will have to get their hair and makeup done. We all know hair and makeup will take up hours because they want their stars to look perfect for the scene. Often once they are complete with that they will move along to pictures and that may take a few hours. These pictures can be used for advertising the stars or even for covers of a video. After the many tasks they have to complete they can they start the scene. Sometimes the scene will take around 20-45 minutes that all just depends on how many cuts they have to take. Some scenes can take up to 22 hours of work. One person may not be able to stay aroused, they then will have to use a helping hand to take care of that. The often take breaks and will shoot solo scenes as well. Some scenes can even take days to finish. It all really depends on what happens throughout the day and what kind of trouble they may run into. You can always run into things that you didn’t think would happen that could also take up more time as well.
There are quite a few places that you can do the most gay porn. Los Angeles of course has a lot of jobs that you can take, even Las Vegas! Your best bet is for you to go through an agency and get help. These agencies have experience with this type of work and they always know where to begin in getting you work. The more work you do the more they will get paid. Some people will start with an agency and then once they get their foot in the door they will venture out onto their own. They can research the best work and best paying work as well. Sometimes you even have to audition for porn. You can’t just sign up and start tomorrow, it is a whole lot of work. It’s almost like casting for a movie in some ways. They will want to get some of your information and see how you act in front of a camera with a lot of people around. There isn’t just one place that does the most porn, you kind of just have to explore and see who is hiring at the moment. When going through an agency they can definitely help you with that.
I love this article and wanna get into the industry can you help